Yamaha YTR-3335 Trumpet


The Yamaha 3335 Trumpet has a reversed main tuning slide allowing for an exceptional feel and response. It also has an additional brace on the main tuning slide.

Availability: 2 in stock SKU: YTR-3335 Categories: ,


Yamaha YTR-3335 Trumpet

The Yamaha YTR-3335 Trumpet has a reversed main tuning slide allowing for an exceptional feel and response. It also has an additional brace on the main tuning slide for a more stable and solid sound. The newly designed two-piece yellow brass bell has the perfect parameter for the needs of a student. The Yamaha YTR-3335 Trumpet has a light response and the ideal thickness of two-piece yellow brass bell. This makes it easy for students to get started and develop a brilliant tone.

Reversed tuning slide 
Reversed tuning slide enables easy blowing and smooth and comfortable feel in playing.

Yellow brass bell 
The newly redesigned, durable yet light two-piece bell is made of yellow brass for optimal playability and to promote good technique and endurance.

New piston, piston caps and buttons 
Highly durable monel alloy pistons as well as newly designed piston buttons and bottom caps help lengthen the life of the instrument while also maximizing sound quality.

New tuning slides 
Yamaha models, which provides stability, a more refined tonal color and added durability.

Main tuning brace lets sound more focus and hold together.

Warning! Yamaha tuning slides are tight fitting with very close tolerances. For this reason regular greasing of the tuning slide and the valve slides is very important as they are prone to seizing up and can be hard to free. Keeping your trumpet clean will also help to minimise the chances of slides becoming stuck. Luckily we stock a range of lubricants and cleaning products!

Another warning! Yamaha valves are tight fitting with very close tolerances. A regular problem occurs with the second valve because of this. As the second valve stands out it can easily take a knock not only resulting in a dent, but resulting in the valve casing being distorted which can cause problems.

These close tolerances are part of why Yamaha trumpets play as well as they do. Both of these issues occur regularly as our brass repairer can testify.

As an alternative look at the Arnolds Terra or the CarolBrass CTR-3050H


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