Security and Passwords
Our site take percussions to keep you and your data safe. For instance our site is fully encrypted using the https standard, we only collect the necessary data from you, for instance your postal address etc. We also run our sire through a range on cloud base security platforms.
If you to choose to create an account with us to enjoy the benefits of fasters checkouts, then we urge to you to use a strong password. We do our best to enforce this. Some of the measure we use are:
- Password strength checker
- You can not re-use old passwords.
- If some one try to access your account it will be locked after too many unsuccessful attempts.
- If you leave you account inactive for more than 15 mins, then we will log you out keeping you safe.
However it is down to you to make your password as strong as possible. Hopefully this info graphic below will help.
If there is any suspicion your password could be compromised you should change it straight away!