Warburton Cornet Backbores

Warburton Cornet Backbores, also known as “shanks,” offer a comprehensive range of options, providing trumpet players with a nuanced selection to tailor their sound and playing experience. These backbores are categorized into three types: Standard, Star (*), and B, each serving specific preferences and needs.

Standard Series (1-12)

The Standard Series of Warburton Cornet Backbores is versatile and suitable for various playing styles and situations. The backbores are numbered from 1 to 12, offering a range from tight to very large, accommodating players with different preferences. The #3 backbore, known for its bright and projecting sound, is particularly popular among lead players and for outdoor performances.

Star Series (*)

Designed to enhance the free-blowing nature of the Standard models without requiring a larger bore size. The Star Series provides players with a more open feel while maintaining the quality of sound. This series has gained popularity, especially in the orchestral trumpet community.

B Series

Similar to the Standard and Star series internally, the B Series has a slightly larger external dimension, resulting in an increased GAP. This can be advantageous for trumpets with worn receivers or improperly soldered mouthpiece receivers to the lead pipe. The B backbore is often recommended to address issues with “LOCKING-IN” of upper partials.

Individual Warburton Cornet Backbore Models

  1. Q Backbore (2004): Aggressive and preferred by lead players needing dominance in the middle register without sacrificing control.
  2. Qm Backbore (2008): A modification of the Q backbore, offering an exciting commercial sound with an intense center due to a modified taper in the venturi section.
  3. NY Backbore: Inspired by the old Giardinelli #3, this backbore provides a broad, bright, and acoustically loud New York sound with slightly tighter resistance than #5.
  4. KT Backbore (1987): Appeals to commercial/lead players, characterized by projection and secure slotting of notes above high C, falling in the 4, 5, 6 series for comparative resistance.
  5. 7, 8, 9 Backbores: Medium-large sizes providing a good balance of sound quality suitable for both orchestra and concert band settings.
  6. 10, 11, 12 Backbores: Very large “Symphonic” sizes with minimal resistance, offering a full, rich sound for the strong player.

The Warburton system, with interchangeable “TOP” and “BACKBORE” sections, allows players to customize their mouthpiece by combining rim diameter, cup style, and depth with a backbore that best suits their preferences. This flexibility ensures that brass players can achieve the most efficient mouthpiece for any playing situation.
