Upgrade your flute with a silver headjoint for enhanced sound quality. Crafted from Sterling silver, the solid silver headjoint adds resonance and projection to your music. While you can purchase them separately, many musicians prefer to upgrade their entire flute for a comprehensive improvement in performance. Explore the world of flutes with silver flute headjoints and elevate your musical journey.
Discover a wide selection of flutes from renowned brands like Yamaha, Miyazawa, Muramatsu, Sanko, Pearl, Azumi, and Powell. Elevate your musical experience with these exceptional instruments that feature solid headjoints, known for enhancing resonance and projection. Our inventory offers a range of options for you to explore and find the perfect flute to take your music to the next level.
Flutes, Miyazawa Flutes, Second Hand Flutes, Silver Headjoints
Second Hand Miyazawa 60SR Flute
This Second Hand Miyazawa Flute is in good condition & in good playing order.
1 in stock
Flutes, Silver Headjoints, Yamaha Flutes
Yamaha YFL-312 Flute
The Yamaha YFL-312 Flute is an upgraded version of the popular Yamaha 311 flute & now features French stlye pointed key arms, an offset G key and includes a Split-E…
4 in stock
Flutes, Pearl Flutes, Silver Headjoints
Pearl 665E Flute
The Pearl 665E Flute features solid sterling silver headjoint, silver-plated body and foot joint with silver-plated French style pointed keywork. Closed hole, E mechanism, offset G.
1 in stock
Pearl Flutes, Silver Headjoints
Pearl F665RE Flute
The Pearl F665RE Flute features solid sterling silver Forza headjoint, silver-plated body and foot joint with silver-plated French style pointed keywork. Closed hole, E mechanism, offset G.
1 in stock
Flutes, Silver Headjoints
Trevor James Chanson Flute
A fabulous step-up flute with a huge ‘Voice’ which will project your practice and performance to new level.
The wooden lip plate and additional wooden crown are ideal for Baroque music.1 in stock
Pearl Flutes, Silver Headjoints
Pearl F665E Flute
The Pearl F665E Flute features solid sterling silver Forza headjoint, silver-plated body and foot joint with silver-plated French style pointed keywork. Closed hole, E mechanism, offset G.
4 in stock
Azumi Flutes, Silver Headjoints
Azumi AZZ2E Flute
The AZZ2E Flute comes with an Altus Z-Cut Sterling silver (925) headjoint. The French pointed key-arms are giving an increased stability to the mechanism with closed holes.
2 in stock
Azumi Flutes, Silver Headjoints
Azumi AZ-S2E Flute
The Azumi AZ-S2E Flute comes with an Altus S-Cut Britannia silver (958) headjoint. The French pointed key-arms are giving an increased stability to the mechanism with closed holes. The body…
1 in stock
Muramatsu Flutes, Second Hand Flutes, Silver Headjoints
Second Hand Muramatsu EX-III-CCE Flute
Second Hand Muramatsu Flute in good condition. The EX-CCE has a sterling silver head joint. It is a closed hole flute & the case in the photo is included
1 in stock
Altus Flutes, Flutes, Silver Headjoints
Altus 907E Flute
Sensible offers considered.Silver headjoint Closed hole Offset G E mech C foot
1 in stock
Altus Flutes, Flutes, Silver Headjoints
Altus 907RE Flute
Sensible offers considered.Silver headjoint Open hole Offset G E mech C foot
1 in stock
Muramatsu Flutes, Silver Headjoints
Muramatsu EX-RCE Flute
Sterling silver head joint with silver plated nickel silver body and mechanism. Open hole.
EX series flutes offer easy control and play with a pleasing tone.1 in stock