Soprano Sax Mouthpieces

We have a selection of Soprano Sax Mouthpieces in stock which can be purchased here in the shop or ordered online. Our range includes mouthpieces by Rico, Rico Royal, Yamaha, Earlham, Otto Link, Selmer, Rousseau and Yanagisawa.

Selecting the correct mouthpiece is something that can make a huge difference to a player and is an entirely personal decision – what works brilliantly for one player may not work at all well for another!

Plastic/ABS: Most often used for beginners as they are a relatively low cost option.

Ebonite: Great for players who want a warm sound and for classical sax work.

Metal: Ideal for rock and pop playing, metal mouthpieces usually have an edgier sound with more projection.

Soprano Saxophone Reeds

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