Kelly Trumpet Mouthpieces come in a range of vibrant colours and styles and are made entirely of Lexan material; a high specification smooth plastic that is highly durable so it will not scratch or break if dropped. As a result these mouthpieces are popular among players with nickel or other metallic allergies. The nature of the material also means that the mouthpieces maintain their warmth better and are therefore practical for playing outdoors in the cold weather, for example in a brass band or when caroling. There is a wide range of colours available which makes this product popular among kids as it can be a fun addition to learning a new instrument!
There is a wide range of cup sizes available so that there will be something to comfortably fit each individual player’s needs. The standard Kelly trumpet mouthpieces all have a larger throat diameter than their industry counterpart and are known for their comfort.
Kelly 3C Trumpet Mouthpieces
FAXX 3C trumpet mouthpiece Crystal Clear
The FAXX 3C trumpet mouthpiece is a copy of a well known brand. A good choice for beginners, students, marching bands, outdoor performances
2 in stock
Kelly Trumpet Mouthpieces, Trumpet mouthpieces
Crystal blue 5C trumpet mouthpiece
Crystal blue 5C trumpet mouthpiece
1 in stock
Kelly Trumpet Mouthpieces
Kelly 7C trumpet mouthpiece White Wedding
Online price. In-store price may vary.
“KELLY Trumpet Mouthpieces are made entirely of Lexan® material. The cup sizes are patterned after the Bach® series, sampled by our professional staff…1 in stock
Kelly Trumpet Mouthpieces
Kelly 1.5C trumpet mouthpiece March Maroon
“KELLY Trumpet Mouthpieces are made entirely of Lexan® material. The cup sizes are patterned after the Bach® series, sampled by our pro…
13 in stock
Kelly Trumpet Mouthpieces
Kelly 1.5C trumpet mouthpiece Mellow Yellow
“KELLY Trumpet Mouthpieces are made entirely of Lexan® material. The cup sizes are patterned after the Bach® series, sampled by our pro…
24 in stock
Kelly Trumpet Mouthpieces
Kelly 1.5C trumpet mouthpiece Radical Green
“KELLY Trumpet Mouthpieces are made entirely of Lexan® material. The cup sizes are patterned after the Bach® series, sampled by our pro…
4 in stock
Kelly Trumpet Mouthpieces
Kelly 1.5C trumpet mouthpiece Red Hot
KELLY Trumpet Mouthpieces are made entirely of Lexan® material. The cup sizes are patterned after the Bach® series
3 in stock
Kelly Trumpet Mouthpieces
Kelly 1.5C trumpet mouthpiece White Wedding
“KELLY Trumpet Mouthpieces are made entirely of Lexan® material. The cup sizes are patterned after the Bach® series, sampled by our pro…
7 in stock
Kelly Trumpet Mouthpieces
Kelly 1.5C trumpet mouthpiece Punk Pink
“KELLY Trumpet Mouthpieces are made entirely of Lexan® material. The cup sizes are patterned after the Bach® series, sampled by our pro…
19 in stock
Kelly Trumpet Mouthpieces
Kelly 1.5C trumpet mouthpiece Harvest Gold
Kelly 1.5C trumpet mouthpiece Harvest Gold
“KELLY Trumpet Mouthpieces are made entirely of Lexan® material. The cup sizes are patterned after the Bac…4 in stock
Kelly Trumpet Mouthpieces
Kelly 1.5C trumpet mouthpiece Strawberries and Cream
“KELLY Trumpet Mouthpieces are made entirely of Lexan® material. The cup sizes are patterned after the Bach® series, sampled by our pro…
20 in stock
Kelly Trumpet Mouthpieces
Kelly 1.5C trumpet mouthpiece Ebony and Ivory
Online price. In-store price may vary.
“KELLY Trumpet Mouthpieces are made entirely of Lexan® material. The cup sizes are patterned after the Bach® series, sampled by our pro…
1 in stock