Flute Music
The Really Easy Flute Book
The Really Easy Flute Book by Judith Pearce and Christopher Gunning
If you can play just a few notes on flute, then you’re ready for this book. Here …21 in stock
Flute Music
Congratulations! You’ve just passed grade 1 Flute
Congratulations! You’ve just passed grade 1 (flute)
16 progressive arrangements for grades 1& 2 flute with piano accompanimentPieces include:…
26 in stock
Flute Albums, Flute Music
Congratulations! You’ve Just Passed Grade 2 Flute
16 progressive arrangements for grades 2 & 3 flute with piano accompaniment
18 in stock
Flute Music
First Book of Flute Solos
The First Book of Flute Solos is a collection of pieces that introduces players at beginner level to an unusually wide range of music.
20 in stock
Flute case covers
Gemeinhardt flute & piccolo case cover
Gemeinhardt flute & piccolo case cover Outer case cover to accommodate a flute hard-case
1 in stock
Flute Accessories, Flute case covers
Second hand Jean Cavallaro flute case cover
A snug and protective shelter for your flute hard case with a soft interior lined with white faux fleece.
Suitable for slim French style C foot flute cases1 in stock
Flute headjoints
Yamaha sterling silver flute head joint
Yamaha sterling silver flute head joint as supplied with the 3 series flutes.
PLEASE NOTE: Head joints may not fit all flutes.
Ideally, purchase the head joint in the shop where we…1 in stock
Curved Head Flutes, Flutes, Silver Plated
Vivace Curved and Straight Head Flute
The Trevor James Vivace Flute breaks the mould in the budget flute market. Made by Kurioshi and distributed by Trevor James and now in its 3rd series. With steady improvements…
1 in stock
Flutes, Silver Plated, Yamaha Flutes
Yamaha YFL-212 Flute
The Yamaha YFL-212 Flute supercedes the popular Yamaha YFL-211 model, and is absolutely ideal for the beginning to step-up player. The added split E mechanism makes top E easier to…
5 in stock
Flutes, Pearl Flutes, Silver Plated
Pearl 505RE Silver Plated Open Hole Flute
The Pearl 505RE Silver Plated Flute is suitable for student players and beginners alike. Featuring a professional silver plated body with silver plated fittings, the 505RE has a reliable, durable…
1 in stock
Curved Head Flutes, Flutes, Silver Plated, Yamaha Flutes
Yamaha YFL-212U Curved & Straight Head Flute
The Yamaha 212U Curved & Straight Head Flute features covered keys, an offset G key and has a Split-E mechanism
1 in stock
Flutes, Silver Headjoints, Yamaha Flutes
Yamaha YFL-312 Flute
The Yamaha YFL-312 Flute is an upgraded version of the popular Yamaha 311 flute & now features French stlye pointed key arms, an offset G key and includes a Split-E…
4 in stock